Spring registration is closed. Fall registration will open in May.


Flag (4-5 year olds)

Tykes Tackle (6-7 year olds)

Rookies Tackle (8-9 year olds)

Juniors Tackle (10-11 year olds)



Flag                $150

Tackle            $225


Flag (3-5 year olds)

Tykes Tackle (6-7 year olds)

Rookies Tackle (8-9 year olds)

Juniors Tackle (10-11 year olds)



Fall              $250

3.4% surcharge will be added to each card transaction.

No Surcharge for Cash or Check

The organization will provide Football players with helmets, shoulder pads, game jersey's, and game socks. *athletes can have their own gear*

Parents will be required to purchase black football pants, cleats, mouth piece, and a practice jersey (Blue, Black, or White).

The organization will provide Cheerleaders with their Cheer top, bottoms, bloomers, pompoms, socks and bow.

Parents will be required to purchase white cheer shoes.

* Both Football and Cheerleaders will require a current physical that will carry them through the current season. Physical Forms can be downloaded and uploaded under the Registration Tab.

* Age on or before 8/1 of the current year

* An athlete 5, 7, 9 or 11 can play up 1 age bracket.

The Grizzlies offer a 10% discount to families with multiple children being registered.

Once you complete Registration, a deposit invoice will be sent to the email provided. It must be paid in order to reserve your player(s) spot. Registration will have to be paid in full before uniforms can be ordered.